Fusion: Houseman’s and Hang Out Nights

FUSION HOUSEMAN’S AND HANG OUT NIGHTS Join us on Thursday Night, June 17 from 8-9:30 PM at the Pit.  We will be going to Houseman’s for Ice-cream and then hang out around the fire pit back at church. [Future Houseman’s and Hang Out Nights will be on July 22 and...

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En Fuego: Beach Trip

On Wednesday, August 18 from 1-6:30 we are going to Grand Haven State Park for an afternoon in the sun and waves.   Bring a Swim Suit and towel.  We will be grabbing dinner on the way home.

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En Fuego: Tubing on the Thornapple River

On Wednesday, July 21 from 2-6:30 PM we will be heading to the Thornapple river for a fun 2 hour float down the river.  Wear swimsuit and shoes to wear in the river and bring a towel and a dry shirt and shorts to change into.

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En Fuego: Bike Ride At Millennium Park

On Sunday, June 20 from 6:30 – 9:00 PM we will be loading up bikes and heading to Millennium Park to ride on the beautiful trails in the park.   Plan on having Ice-cream after the ride.  Bring your bike to church and we will have a trailer to transport them.

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En Fuego: Craig’s Cruisers Wrist Band Night

On Wednesday, June 16 from 4-8:30 PM we will be going to Craig’s Cruisers for a night of unlimited activities and food.   You will need to go online and fill out a waiver form ahead of time.   Cost is $15 and if you need jump socks they are an additional...

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En Fuego: Milk Shakes and Millennium Park

On Thursday, May 20 we will be heading out for a fun afternoon grabbing a shake at Steak N Shake and hanging out at Millennium Park. We will leave church at 3:30 PM and return at 6:15 PM.   E-mail Pastor Kevin if you are able to go.

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National Day of Prayer

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER We will gather to pray for our nation on Thursday, May 6 from Noon until 12:30 at Heritage CRC. In addition, the National Observance broadcast can be accessed at nationaldayofprayer.org at 8:00 PM.

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Morning Service (In-person): Distracted Living

Sunday Morning Worship: Both In-Person & Live-Streamed. BOTH/AND – This Sunday morning we will gather for Sunday morning worship BOTH Indoors (9:30 am and 11:00 am) at Heritage AND Live-Streamed. Live-Stream The 9:30 Service will be Live-Streamed. The Live-Stream is available on the website, youtube, vimeo, and facebook. MORE DETAILS ...

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Morning Service (In-person): Distracted Living

Sunday Morning Worship: Both In-Person & Live-Streamed. BOTH/AND – This Sunday morning we will gather for Sunday morning worship BOTH Indoors (9:30 am and 11:00 am) at Heritage AND Live-Streamed. Live-Stream The 9:30 Service will be Live-Streamed. The Live-Stream is available on the website, youtube, vimeo, and facebook. MORE DETAILS ...

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