Help people in prison and watch your faith grow! Crossroads is an international discipleship and advocacy ministry for prisoners and their families.
By combining Bible study courses and personal letters of encouragement, CPM’s distance education program provides in-depth, long-term discipleship that meets over 30,000 students wherever they are—spiritually and geographically—during incarceration and upon release.
The Crossroads Prison Ministries (CPM) program comprises students and volunteer Mentors from all fifty states and all six habitable continents. Students and Mentors speak dozens of languages and belong to hundreds of different denominations.
Together they constitute the CPM program, which meets the unique needs and experiences of each student and harbors no prejudice on the basis of race, sex, religious preference or sexual orientation.
CPM’s distance education* program, which combines Bible study courses and personal letters of encouragement, provides in-depth, long-term discipleship that meets over 30,000 students wherever they are—spiritually and geographically—during incarceration and upon release.
The program comprises students and volunteer Mentors from all fifty states and all six habitable continents. Students and Mentors speak dozens of languages and belong to hundreds of different denominations.
Together they constitute the CPM program, which meets the unique needs and experiences of each student and harbors no prejudice on the basis of race, sex, religious preference or sexual orientation.
1. A person in prison hears about CPM from a ministry affiliated with CPM, a CPM student or a chaplain.
2. He/she receives an enrollment form from the affiliated ministry or requests an enrollment form from CPM or his/her chaplain.
3. He/she completes the enrollment form and returns it to CPM.
4. CPM mails Bible study lessons to the student, one at a time.
5. The student completes the lessons and returns them to CPM for correction.
6. Trained volunteer Mentors correct the lessons and return them to the student along with personal letters of discipleship.
7. The student is awarded a certificate when a course is successfully completed.
There are many ways to get involved with CPM:
• Become a CPM Mentor.
• Become an Office Volunteer.
• Recruit a CPM Student.
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