How Should Christians Vote?

SERMON OUTLINE: “HOW SHOULD CHRISTIANS VOTE?” Various Passages  Introduction – Lots of questions A Kingdom Mindset Means____________________________________  A Kingdom Mindset Means____________________________________ A Kingdom Mindset Means____________________________________ Conclusion – Three Thoughts

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Good and Mad

SERMON OUTLINE: “GOOD & MAD”  Psalm 5 Introduction – Things you wouldn’t expect Mind Your Wounds Give Your Enemies To God Wait on the Lord Conclusion – You can get even or you can get free

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The Believing Life

SERMON OUTLINE: “THE BELIEVING LIFE” Ephesians 5:1-20 Introduction – The believing life is… The Believing life is                                                                                          The Believing life is                                                                                          The Believing life is                                                                                          Conclusion – Where is you walk taking you?

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SERMON OUTLINE: “ADOPTED”  Romans 8:14-17 Introduction – What does it mean to get “saved”? The Remarkable Journey of Adoption The horrors of slavery A radical change of condition  Sonship The High Cost of Adoption Adoption is expensive for us Adoption is expensive for God Ernest Gordon – Death Railroad  The Profound Experience of Adoption  Perfect […]

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Going Backwards

SERMON OUTLINE: “GOING BACKWARDS”  Matthew 21:28-32 Introduction – Nothing like a good one liner When you are staring into an abyss, the most progressive direction is… backwards. Peter Kreeft  Sin is an Abyss The games we play  No games with sin  The most important question – AW Tozer Repent  The Parable of the Two Brothers […]

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