Philippians 1:3-6
SERMON OUTLINE: “SURVIVAL POWER” Matthew 2:13-23 Introduction – Andrew Kuyvenhoven Comfort is a good thing that takes care of a bad situation. It does not take away the bad situation, but the good thing makes us strong enough to endure the evil… Comfort is the strength to keep going. Comfort is survival power. Escape To […]
SERMON OUTLINE: “GOD OF HISTORY” Matthew 1:1-17 Introduction – A List of Least’s God Keeps His Promises Biblios geneseos Son of David Corrie Ten Boom There is a Wideness in God’s Mercy The five matriarchs A different set of values Martin Luther God is Messiah-ing History Mistakes! Maybe it’s a message? The God […]
SERMON OUTLINE: “NUMBERING OUR DAYS” Psalm 90 Introduction – The one thing we all have in equal measure… Remember the Soul’s Home is in God Visit Death Pray Conclusion – Six-word memoir
SERMON OUTLINE: “LORD OF LIFE” Luke 7:11-17 Introduction – The gospel for outsiders What is Jesus doing in Nain? What does Jesus do there? What does this mean? Conclusion – Watchful People
SERMON OUTLINE: “THE BACKWARD GLANCE OF FAITH” Psalm 103 Introduction – My first “miracle” Oftentimes, the best way to see God, to know his grace, his love, his goodness, is through the backward glance. Thoughts on the Psalms and Psalm 103 Verse 7 7 He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel: Conclusion […]