I Corinthians 15 & II Corinthians 5 1.How should we view death? —Pagan Stoicism—just don’t think about it —Secular Hospice Movement—death is just a natural part of life —Christian Pietism—Jesus doesn’t want us to grieve Grieving but in hope Grieve but do not fear death I Cor 15 “Death used to be an executioner, but […]
Hebrews 12:1-12 1. The Need for the Challenge Christ followers who were losing their passion for living for Jesus Spiritual tourists aimlessly sauntering through life Thinking only of what makes them comfortable and happy –now “We are halfhearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an […]
Luke 24:1-11 Introduction: Good Friday –the world looks dark and hopeless Still today – we ask, “What is this world coming to?” But it is no longer a “Good Friday World” Jesus is Risen! Three mistakes the women in the Easter story made: 1. They came to the tomb effectively denying the possibility of a […]