Fusion: 2:42 Small Groups LEADER’S Meeting
FUSION 242 SMALL GROUPS LEADERS MEETING Student and Adult leaders, we will be meeting in the Cadet Building at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 14.
Fusion: Craig’s Cruisers Fun Night
FUSION –CRAIG’S CRUISERS FUN NIGHT Join us on Wednesday, March 28 from 5:30 to 9:00 PM at the newly renovated Craig’s Cruisers on Clyde Park for a night of fun together. This is a wristband night and will include unlimited activities, the buffet, and 1 hour of jump time. Sign up...
Profession of Faith Class for Students
PROFESSION OF FAITH CLASS FOR STUDENTS Our next class will be on March 11 from 12:00 to 2:15PM in the loft. Plan on having lunch together at the class.
Fusion “242” Small Groups Meeting
FUSION “242” SMALL GROUPS will meet after the Summit Worship Service on March 18. There will be a meal right after the Summit service and then “242” groups will head to their various locations.
Fusion ‘Summit Worship’ for High School Students
FUSION “SUMMIT WORSHIP” FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. On Sunday, March 18 at 5:00 PM, we will be having a special student led worship service in the ARK. This “Summit worship” service is geared for High School Students. Plan on an evening of student led worship, dynamic student challenges, student testimonies,...