Fusion: Sunday Nights

FUSION –“SUNDAY NIGHTS”  On October 7 from 6:30 to 8:30 we will have our first “Sunday Nights” meeting.  Plan on meeting at “The PIT” for camp fire, games, food and a time of worship.   Dress to be outside.   You are welcome to bring a friend! Our next “Sunday Nights” will...

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En Fuego: Leaf Raking/Craig’s Cruisers Night

LEAF RAKING/CRAIG’S CRUISERS NIGHT On Saturday, November 3 from 2:00–8:00 PM we will be helping out people from the church and the community rake their leaves.   After Raking, we will head over to Craig’s Cruisers for the Buffet, Go Carts, Mini Golf and games. Cost is $10 for Craig’s Cruisers...

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College and Career: Hay Ride Fun Night

YOUNG ADULT/COLLEGE AND CAREER HAY RIDE FUN NIGHT Sunday, October 28 at 6:30—8:30PM  Join with other Young Adults [College and Career Age] from Byron Center area churches for a fun night of hanging out with other young adults for a Hayride and roasting hotdogs and s’mores over a bonfire at Heritage...

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En Fuego: Friday Night Escape – Outdoor Movie Night

FRIDAY NIGHT ESCAPE  -OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT. Friday, September 28  from 7:30-9:30 PM. Not sure what to do on a Friday Night?   Grab a friend and come hang out at “The Pit” for a night of fun, food, a movie and friends.   If the weather is bad we will be indoors. ...

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En Fuego: Fall Fun Night and Hay Ride

FALL FUN NIGHT/HAY RIDE . On Sunday, October 14 from 6:30-8:30 PM join us at “THE PIT” for a great night going on a Hayride, roasting hotdogs and s’mores over a bon fire, some games and a fun time.  Invite a friend and take a flash light and dress for being...

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