Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Sunday at 9:30 AM-Gathering Online for Worship: This Sunday, we continue our 3 part series on the Holy Spirit.  Pastor Bob Bolt will lead us as we look at The Holy Spirit at Pentecost from Acts 2. “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me because the Lord has...

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Daily Devotional – Turn Around

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” I Corinthians 12:27 Turn Around May 29, 2020 by Beckie Hartgerink When Pastor Bob asked me to write a devotional for the church I said yes and then laughed when he told me...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Sunday at 9:30 AM-Gathering Online for Worship: This Sunday, we begin our 3 part series on the Holy Spirit.  We will look at Genesis 1, Psalm 51, and Isaiah 61. “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me because the Lord has appointed me to proclaim good news to...

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Daily Devotional – Why Pray?

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” I Corinthians 12:27 Why Pray?  May 22, 2020 by Bill Peterson Some people have the notion that God is like a magic genie, and if you say the right spell or believe hard...

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Daily Devotional – Sing for Joy!

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” I Corinthians 12:27 Sing for Joy! May 21, 2020 by Vicki Williams Psalm 95:1:  “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord.  Let us shout to the Rock of our salvation!” I...

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Daily Devotional – Unexpected Moments

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” I Corinthians 12:27 Unexpected Moments May 18, 2020 by Pastor Kevin Van Wyhe I wasn’t sure how to respond to what I had just heard.  I was caught in an awkward moment not...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Sunday at 9:30 AM-Gathering Online for Worship: This Sunday, we conclude our series, Praying Under Pressure. We will discover the encouragement and the challenges included in Psalm 91. Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Let’s worship our God together! Facebook: Sunday...

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