Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship
The ABCs of Radical Hospitality
We will gather together to share the love, compassion, and good news of Jesus.  Our new Church Renewal sermon series is the ABSs of Radical Hospitality.  We begin with the biblical account of Philip and the Ethiopian recorded in Acts chapter 8:26-40.  A is for Awareness.

Reminder: Bring a non-perishable food item for the food distribution ministry with our friends and neighbors at Byron Village.  Place it on the table in the Fellowship Room.

5:00 PM – Sunday Evening Worship

Supernaturally Responding to Evil.  We return to our study of Paul’s Letter to the Romans, “The Fifth Gospel”.  As we conclude chapter 12 we see the practical ethic of the gospel on full display…”Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.” Our focus will be on Chapter 12:17-21.  The Old Testament example will be Joseph.

Thank You for your Gifts, Tithes, and Offerings
Thank you for your generosity to Christ’s Church.  We encourage you to prioritize your local church in your giving because the local church is the bride of Christ, and Jesus is the hope of the world.  We excel in the grace of giving when we honor God with our time, our treasures, and our talents.

Online Giving: Click Here  or

Upcoming Worship Gatherings

February 12
9:30 – Church Renewal: ABCs of Radical Hospitality Part 2 of 3 – Matthew 25:31-46 Romans 12:13, Hebrews 13:2
5:00 – Romans: The Fifth Gospel Chapter 13

February 19
9:30 – Church Renewal: ABCs of Radical Hospitality Part 3 of 3 – Mark 14:22-25, Lord’s Supper Celebration
5:00 – Romans: The Fifth Gospel Chapter 14

Wednesday, February 22
6:30-7:00 – Ash Wednesday

Churchwide Bible Engagement 2023 – 5 Weeks – Gospel of John 1-10, Starts February 26

Sunday Morning Worship Both In-Person & Online
BOTH/AND – Sunday morning worship will be BOTH In-Person at Heritage AND Online on FacebookYouTubeVimeo, and on our church website at

Sunday Worship DVD’s are available to be delivered to those who are not able to connect online.  Please contact the church office if you are aware of anyone who would like a weekly DVD delivered to their door. (878-1992)

Sermon Notes and Children’s Bulletin links are included in your Weekly Church Email and on our website.

We are praying for you…will you pray for us too?
Your elders and deacons pray for you often.  They ask that you also pray for them.
They love to minister with you face to face but they also welcome calls, emails, or texts with prayer requests or reasons to praise God for what He has done.

Household Last Name         Your Elder/Deacon Team
A—Buist                                 Jack DeGroot, Bill Selles
Buista—Diekema                   Bruce Dykstra, Zach Blacquire
Diekemaa—Groenewold       Harry Myers, Andy Helmhodlt
Groenewolda—J                    Dave Haagsma, Ben Quist
K– Meekhof                           Jon Diekema, Tyler Dreyer
Meel—O                                Cal Buquet, Brad Diekema
P—Slager                              Tim Licatesi, Tim Terborg
Slagera—VanderH                Paul Burgess, Nick Meekhof
VanderI—Z                            Tom Tiemeyer, Jeremy Thull

Information for Connecting ONLINE

Go to or click HERE

Here is the link to our channel. If you subscribe, you get notifications when a new video is uploaded.

Church Website
Sunday Morning Worship is also available on our church website via Vimeo.

Our worship services remain available for on-demand viewing on Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, and our church website.

Pastor Bob Huisman
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
And over all these virtues put on love, 
which binds them all together in perfect unity.  Colossians 3:12-14