“ReThink” from Acts 17:22-31 How do we help spiritual people connect with Jesus? The Apostle Paul gives us an example of Building Gospel Bridges in Acts 17 when he speaks to the people of Athens. The Apostle Paul’s winsome approach includes contextualization and a call to change. Planting seeds along the way, the final word […]
We continue our exploration of The Letter to Romans – a.k.a. the Fifth Gospel. As we wrap up chapter 3, we discover God’s answer to the Sad Bad News of our shared Human Crisis. It seems too good to be true. God found another way!
Jailhouse Rocks from Acts 16:16-34 What happens to faith under severe pressure? The answer might surprise you. In Acts 16, we journey with God to see leaders of his early church beaten and imprisoned, and then there is an earthquake. What happens next is truly miraculous? Do you think that God could work a miracle […]
We continue our exploration of The Letter to Romans – a.k.a. the Fifth Gospel. As we dig into chapters 2 and 3 we can’t help but be overwhelmed by the Sad Bad News that we are helpless and hopeless as we stand under God’s judgment. All of our deeds will be judged. This section concludes […]
Our Mother’s day message theme is “OVERWHELMED” from John 7:37-37. Emotion. Frustration. Worry. Many things overwhelm us. Jesus’ promise in our Scripture lesson is for anyone who has been overwhelmed. In John 7, we hear Jesus’ invitation to come to him if we are thirsty and rivers of living water will flow from us. We will […]
The Letter to the Romans: “The Fifth Gospel”. We begin a new series on Paul’s letter to the Romans and we begin with a new approach. We will explore chapter 1 and notice how many of our summary confessional truths from the Heidelberg Catechism are revealed in Romans Chapter 1. The chapter begins with Good […]
Good News Spreads Part 3 of 4, Acts 9:1-19a Ready for a change in a new direction? Our Scripture for this Sunday is for you. In Acts 9, we see God’s gracious hand turning Saul into the Apostle Paul through our risen Savior, Jesus. Could God change your direction for the better? Craig Cunningham will […]
The Sign of the Times. We gather to worship our great God in song and prayer and reflection on his holy Word. Pastor Dan will lead us from Matthew 24:1-14 with a message entitled, “The Sign of the Times”.
Good News Spreads Part 2 of 4, John 20:19-31 Doubts about God? Our Scripture for this Sunday is for you. In John 20, the most well-known “doubter” of the Bible makes the most profound proclamation of all of the gospels! And the way that Jesus responds to our doubts is surprisingly full of miraculous grace. […]
Good News Spreads Part 1 of 4. Do you remember the first time you were impacted by death? Do you remember the first time you were impacted by eternal life? Run with Mary, John, and Peter to the empty tomb and meet the resurrected Jesus in John’s gospel, chapter 20! Our worship team can’t wait […]