JESUS and LEADERSHIP This Sunday we continue our series on the Four Essentials of Church Renewal – Abiding, Vision, Leadership, and Health. Part 1 of 2 on LEADERSHIP will help us hear Jesus’ words of Sending, Service, and Sacrifice – John 20:21, Matthew 20:28, Luke 6:27. October is Disability Awareness Month. At Heritage, “we value […]
9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship. Refurbished Sanctuary is Open! We are grateful to God for blessing us with the fresh beauty and improved function of a refurbished sanctuary to gather to worship Him and to lift up the name of Jesus above every other name for another generation. While a few details still need to […]
The Kingdom is Here! We welcome back to Heritage, Pastor Jim and Shelley Boer. Pastor Jim will conclude our delayed and extended 50th-anniversary celebration. We were delayed by Covid and we extended our timeline because of some of Pastor Jim’s recent health concerns. We are so thankful to God for the opportunity to gather together […]
Four Essentials of Church Renewal Our sermon series continues on the Four Essentials of Renewal: Abiding-Vision-Leadership-Health. This Sunday is part 1 of 2 on “Vision” and we will learn from the Apostles Paul’s vision of Jesus recorded in Acts 26. This series is in sync with Heritage’s participation in the Church Renewal Lab along with […]
Our new sermon series continues on the Four Essentials of Renewal: Abiding-Vision-Leadership-Health. This Sunday is part 2 of 2 on “Abiding” and we will learn from Jesus’ words in John 17 under the theme of Abiding Through Prayer. This series is in sync with Heritage’s participation in the Church Renewal Lab along with 9 other […]
We are starting a new sermon series on the Four Essentials of Renewal: Abiding-Vision-Leadership-Health. This Sunday is the first of a two-part series on “Abiding” and we will learn from Jesus’ words in John 15. This series is in sync with Heritage’s participation in the Church Renewal Lab along with 7 other churches starting on […]
“A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey” We welcome back Pastor Len Riemersma who will open God’s word with us from Exodus 3:1-10 and Numbers 13:26-27 under theme of “A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey.”
“CHURCH SET UP FOR THE LONG HAUL” In what country of the world is Christianity growing the fastest? If you said, “Nepal”, you would be right. This Sunday morning, our missionary partners, Arbin and Bimala Pokharel, who are serving in Nepal, will share with us what God is doing in their country and encourage us […]
“In Security” Where is the safest place in the world these days? Psalm 91 will help us discover that answer. We will notice the three 4’s of Psalm 91 and pursue growing our confidence in God while decreasing our cynicism. Tim Oudbier will share an update on his journey with Melanoma and we will welcome […]
DOWNCAST SOUL This Sunday we face the biblical question, “Why, my soul, are you downcast?”. Our new series, SummerSongs, continues with an exploration of Psalms 42 and Psalm 43 – thought to originally have been one single poem. BOTH/AND. How is it possible to pray to God with Both an admission of suffering And a […]