Differences Among Believers. We return to our study of Paul’s Letter to the Romans, “The Fifth Gospel”. As we dig into Romans chapter 14, we will consider the words of Belonging from verses 7 and 8 – “For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. If we […]
The ABCs of Radical Hospitality – Part 3. Our current Church Renewal sermon series is the ABCs of Radical Hospitality – A is for Awareness. B is for Bold… We will learn from Jesus’ teaching on the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in Matthew 26:17-30. We will conclude our worship with a celebration of Holy […]
Christians and Governing Authorities. We return to our study of Paul’s Letter to the Romans, “The Fifth Gospel”. We will compare and contrast Pau’s call to obedience to governing authorities with other biblical texts that give the example of disobedience to governing authorities. Jesus says, “So give back to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s, and to […]
The ABCs of Radical Hospitality – Part 2. We will gather together to share the love, compassion, and good news of Jesus. Our new Church Renewal sermon series is the ABCs of Radical Hospitality. We continue with Jesus teaching on the kingdom and the least of these in Matthew 25:31-46. A is for Awareness. B […]
Supernaturally Responding to Evil. We return to our study of Paul’s Letter to the Romans, “The Fifth Gospel”. As we conclude chapter 12 we see the practical ethic of the gospel on full display…”Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.” Our focus will be on Chapter 12:17-21. The Old Testament example […]
The ABCs of Radical Hospitality. We will gather together to share the love, compassion, and good news of Jesus. Our new Church Renewal sermon series is the ABSs of Radical Hospitality. We begin with the biblical account of Philip and the Ethiopian recorded in Acts chapter 8:26-40. A is for Awareness.
Let Your Love Be Real. We return to our study of Paul’s Letter to the Romans, “The Fifth Gospel”. As we continue through chapter 12 we see the practical ethic of the gospel on full display…Be devoted to one another…honor one another…be patient in affliction…do not be proud…so many commands in so few verses. Our […]
The “Water Bottle” Psalm. We will gather together for fellowship and to worship our great God together. Pastor Dan will open God’s word with us while Pastor Bob worships with his former congregation at their 75th-anniversary celebration at Immanuel CRC, Hudsonville, MI. We will turn our hearts to God’s word in Psalm 63. Some of […]
Fully Known by God. Brad Diekema will preach a message from Psalm 139, “Fully known by God.”
Sanctity of Life Sunday. We gather together to give God thanks for the precious gift of life He has given to us. We cherish it and stand amazed at how much He loves us. Psalm 139 will guide our reflections on the God who loves, creates, and sustains all of creation! You can trust in […]