“Hurts and Hallelujahs”, Psalms 8, 29, 136 This is week two of our summer of Worship in the ARK while sanctuary renovations move ahead. We begin our new series, SummerSongs, this Sunday. SummerSongs will focus our hearts on the Bible’s book of prayer and song: The Psalms. This Sunday we turn our hearts in prayer […]

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“Pentecost Power” from Acts 2. Where do you see evidence of the Holy Spirit of God at work? This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost and the birth of the Christian Church as we dig into Acts Chapter 2 together. We will install new elders and deacons into their offices. Becki Hartgerink, our new Kid’s Hope Director, […]

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2022.05.29 | ReThink (Live-Stream)

“ReThink” from Acts 17:22-31 How do we help spiritual people connect with Jesus? The Apostle Paul gives us an example of Building Gospel Bridges in Acts 17 when he speaks to the people of Athens. The Apostle Paul’s winsome approach includes contextualization and a call to change. Planting seeds along the way, the final word […]

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Our Mother’s day message theme is “OVERWHELMED” from John 7:37-37. Emotion.  Frustration.  Worry.  Many things overwhelm us. Jesus’ promise in our Scripture lesson is for anyone who has been overwhelmed. In John 7, we hear Jesus’ invitation to come to him if we are thirsty and rivers of living water will flow from us. We will […]

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The Letter to the Romans: “The Fifth Gospel”. We begin a new series on Paul’s letter to the Romans and we begin with a new approach. We will explore chapter 1 and notice how many of our summary confessional truths from the Heidelberg Catechism are revealed in Romans Chapter 1. The chapter begins with Good […]

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