En Fuego and Fusion: White Caps Baseball Night

On Friday, April 26 we will be going to a Whitecaps Baseball game. We will leave church at 5:30 PM and return around 9:45 PM.  We will have a tailgate pizza dinner in the parking lot before going into the park.   Tickets will be provided. You need to sign up...

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En Fuego: Friday Night Escape

Not sure what to do on a Friday Night?   Grab a friend and come hang out at church for a night of fun, food and friends. We will have a variety of games and activities in the Ark and loft for you and your friends!!!

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En Fuego: Snow Sledding Trip

On Saturday, February 2 we will be going to Johnson park for an afternoon of sledding and fun.   Bring a sled and dress for the weather.   Plan on leaving church at 1:30 PM.  We will have hot chocolate and snacks at the hill.   Sign up on the En Fuego Bulletin...

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