Sunday Morning Outdoor Worship: Daily Grind Holy Finds

This Sunday, September 6 BOTH/AND – This Sunday morning, weather permitting, we will gather for Sunday morning worship   BOTH outdoors at Heritage  AND  online on Facebook and on our website at  Both services will have the same sermon/message. On this Labor Day weekend we will focus on “Daily Grind Holy...

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En Fuego: Sunday Nights

EN FUEGO SUNDAY NIGHTS Join us Sunday night from 6:30-8:15 PM.  [We are meeting the 1st and 3rd Sunday nights.] Plan on a great night of fun, friends, games, large and small group discussion.  Bring a friend and come join us. Masks will be available if you don’t have one....

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En Fuego: Outdoor Movie Night At The Pit

EN FUEGO OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT AT THE PIT Join us on Friday, September 25 from 7:30 to 9:30 PM for an outdoor movie with popcorn and S’mores. We will be watching Onward.   Bring a folding chair or a blanket.   You are welcome to invite a friend.

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En Fuego: Fall Kick-Off – Fun Night At Church

EN FUEGO FALL KICK-OFF   – FUN NIGHT AT CHURCH On Sunday, September 20 from 6:30 – 8:15 we will be meeting at the PIT at church for a night of fun, games, hammocking , a bonfire and food. Plan on being at church at 6:30 PM.  You are welcome to...

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Fusion: Sunday Nights

FUSION SUNDAY NIGHT  On May 9 we will be meeting from 6:30-8:30 out at the Pit.   Plan on a night of games, food, sharing and fun outside.  We will be cooking hotdogs and S’mores over the fire.   Bring a friend and come and join us for a great night of...

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Fusion: Hiking On The Manistee River Trail

FUSION HIKING ON THE MANISTEE RIVER TRAIL Saturday, September 26.   Join us for a day of hiking on the Manistee trail near the Hodenpyle Dam. We will be leaving church at 8:00 AM and returning around 7:00 PM.  It is a 9 mile hike in the beautiful national forest along...

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