Farewell Program for Pastor Bob and Carol Bolt
Sunday, June 6, 2021 is Bob Bolt’s Farewell Service. Immediately after the benediction, a slide show will began and the ARK people will come to the sanctuary. We will have a few speakers and then a reception will follow in the ARK. Refreshments will be served and you can congratulate...
Sunday Evening Service (In-person): Combined with Friendship and Second Byron CRC’s at Heritage
Combined in-person evening worship at 5:00PM with Friendship and Second Byron CRC’s at Heritage.
Sunday Night Connect: REBUILD: Nehemiah 9 – Online Viewing
5:00 PM – Sunday Night Connect Sunday Night Connect (online only) will continue our study of the book of Nehemiah under the theme, REBUILD. This week, we will look at Chapter 9 and Confession: Good for the Soul. Join us this Sunday: To Link to the service through the website:...
All Church Taco Dinner – Fund Raiser for the Fusion Colorado Team
ALL CHURCH TACO DINNER FUND RAISER FOR THE FUSION COLORADO TEAM On Tuesday, May 18 from 6-7:30 PM we are having an all church dinner. The Fusion team heading to Colorado this summer will be serving you a delicious taco dinner with tons of great options. You will be able...
Fusion: Water Games Night – CANCELLED (Due to Storms)
Join us on Sunday, August 29 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM for a night of fun getting wet at church. Squirt guns and water balloons will all be a part of the evening as well as Pizza.
Fusion: Beach Night
FUSION BEACH NIGHT On Sunday, July 25 we will be heading to Holland State Park for an evening of fun, food and worship on the water front. Bring a swim suit and towel and a change of clothes.
Fusion: Mini Golf Night
Join us on Sunday, June 27 for a night of Mini Gold at Craig’s Cruisers. Plan on leaving church at 6:30 PM. We will have Ice-cream at church after!