Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

This Week: Sunday Morning Worship, September 15, 9:30 AM Our new series continues on BELONGING: Rediscovering the privilege and joy of being a biblical church member.  This Sunday we explore God’s truth from Colossians 3:12-17 under the theme “I will be a Unifying Church Member”.  Our time together will include...

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SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CATECHISM Classes begin for Sunday School and Catechism on September 15. Sunday School students [K-4th] please meet in the Connections Room next to the kitchen at 10:45 AM and Catechism students [5-12th] please meet in your class room at 11:00. [Donuts will be available for the Catechism...

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Fusion News: 09.08.2019

FUSION FALL KICK-OFF   – NOW A CANOE TRIP DUE TO THE COOLER WEATHER On Sunday, September 8 we will be going Canoeing down the Grand River.  Plan on a great afternoon of fun with friends on the water.   We will leave Heritage at 2:00 PM and return around 7:30 PM. ...

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En Fuego News: 09.08.2019

EN FUEGO FALL KICK-OFF   –  NOW A CANOE TRIP DUE TO THE COOLER WEATHER On Sunday, September 15 we will be going Canoeing down the Grand River.  Plan on a great afternoon of fun with friends on the water.   We will leave Heritage at 2:00 PM and return around 7:30...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

This Week: Sunday Morning, September 8, 9:30/10:00 AM The weather report looks good, the worship team is ready, and we are excited to gather together to kick off a new season of ministry together for God’s glory and the blessing of our community!  Come for coffee and donuts from 9:30...

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Fusion News: 08.18.2019

FUSION WHITE CAPS NIGHT On Monday, August 19 we will be going to the White Caps Baseball Game.   We will leave church at 6:00 PM and return around 10:00 PM.    Cost will be $5.   Pizza and pop will be provided before we go into the park.   Please e-mail Pastor Kevin...

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En Fuego News: 08.18.2019

EN FUEGO FALL KICK-OFF   – Thornapple River Tubing On Sunday, September 15 we will be going tubing down the Thornapple River.  Plan on a great afternoon of fun with friends on the water.   We will leave Heritage at 2:00 PM and return around 7:30 PM.  We will be having dinner...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

This Week: Sunday Morning, August 18, 9:30 AM God calls us to gather together and lift up our hearts to Him in worship! We continue our series, Attributes, on Sunday morning. Pastor Kevin will lead us as we will explore the Justice of God. Hannah and Adam Jongsma will publicly...

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En Fuego News: 08.2019

EN FUEGO MILLENNIUM PARK TRAILS BIKING – On Sunday, August 11 at 6:30 PM, we will load up bikes in trailers and head to Millennium Park for a ride through the park. Plan on ice-cream at church after. Bring your bike and a helmet to church at 6:30 PM. Please e-mail...

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Fusion News: 08.2019

FUSION KAYAK N PIZZA NIGHT – Join us on Wednesday August 14 for an evening of kayaking on the Grand River. We will meet at church at 5:30 PM. We will have pizza before going out on the river. Please e-mail Pastor Kevin if you are going. [] FUSION WHITE CAPS...

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