Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

40 Day Red Letter Challenge At the start of 2021, the Red Letter Challenge is helping us focus on the words of Jesus for 40 days and seek to Practice the Ways of Jesus as a community of faith.  According to Zach Zehnder, “Doing the words of Jesus will help you find the life...

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Fusion News: 01.31.2021

FUSION SUNDAY NIGHTS Join us Sunday night February 14 from 6:30-8:30 PM.  [We will continue meeting the 2nd and 4th Sunday Nights.] Plan on meeting inside in the ARK.  We will begin with a group game in the Ark and move to the Fellowship room for our Large Group/Small Group...

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Fusion News: 01.24.2021

FUSION CROSS COUNTRY SKIING – CHANGE OF DATE DUE TO LACK OF SNOW!!! Join us on January 30 from 1-4:30  for an afternoon of x-country skiing and fun at Palmer Park.   We will meet at church at 1PM and take the church van to the park.   You will need to...

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En Fuego News: 01.31.2021

EN FUEGO SUNDAY NIGHTS  –  CHANGE OF DATE!!! Our next regular Sunday night meeting will be on January 31 [not February 7 due to the Super Bowl] from 6:30-8:15 PM. [We will continue meeting the 1st and 3rd Sunday nights.] Plan on a great night of fun,  friends, games, large...

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En Fuego News: 01.24.2021

EN FUEGO SUNDAY NIGHTS  –  CHANGE OF DATE!!! Our next regular Sunday night meeting will be on January 31 [not February 7 due to the Super Bowl] from 6:30-8:15 PM. [We will continue meeting the 1st and 3rd Sunday nights.] Plan on a great night of fun,  friends, games, large...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

40 Day Red Letter Challenge You won’t want to miss our new series for 2021, entitled the Red Letter Challenge.  We are focusing on the words of Jesus for 40 days together and seek to Practice the Ways of Jesus as a community of faith.  According to Zach Zehnder, “Doing the...

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Fusion News: 01.17.2021

FUSION CROSS COUNTRY SKIING Join us on January 23 from 1-4:30  for an afternoon of skiing and fun at Palmer Park. We will meet at church at 1PM and take the church van to the park.   You will need to wear a mask while riding in the van only. No...

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En Fuego News: 01.17.2021

EN FUEGO SUNDAY NIGHTS Our next regular Sunday night meeting will be on January 17 from 6:30-8:15 PM.  [We will continue meeting the 1st and 3rd Sunday nights.] Plan on a great night of fun, friends, games, large and small group discussion.  –We will be continuing our series on ETERNITY....

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