Fusion News: 04.18.2021

FUSION SUNDAY NIGHTS On April 25 we will be meeting from 6:30-8:30 out at the Pit.   Plan on a night of games, food, sharing and fun outside.  We will be cooking hotdogs and S’mores over the fire.   Bring a friend and come and join us for a great night of...

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En Fuego News: 04.18.2021

EN FUEGO SUNDAY NIGHTS Join us Sunday night, April 18, from 6:30-8:15 PM.  Plan on a great night of fun, friends, games, large and small group discussion.  Bring a friend and come join us. Masks will be available if you don’t have one. EN FUEGO NIGHT AT THE PIT Join...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

IMPORTANT WORSHIP DETAILS 1. Sunday Morning Worship, April 18 & 25, will be at 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM 2. During the month of April, morning worship services will be in-person, pre-recorded, and live-streamed, and available on YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, and our church website. Our hope is, that starting in May, we will...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

IMPORTANT WORSHIP DETAILS 1. Sunday Morning Worship, April 11, will be at 9:30 AM only. 2. During the month of April, morning worship services will be in-person, pre-recorded, and live-streamed. 3. In response to the changing Covid conditions, we will resume 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM morning services for April 18 and 25. Our hope is,...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

IMPORTANT WORSHIP DETAILS 1. Easter Sunday Worship, April 4, will be at 9:30 AM only Live-stream will be available as well as a pre-recorded version. 2. Sunday Morning Worship, April 11, will be at 9:30 AM only. 3. During the month of April, morning worship services will be in-person, pre-recorded, and live-streamed. 4. In response to the...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

IMPORTANT WORSHIP DETAILS 1. Maundy Thursday Worship, including a Celebration of the Lord’s Supper, will be April 1 at 7:00 PM.   This service will be in-person and live-streamed. 2. Easter Sunday Worship, April 4, will be at 9:30 AM only 3. Sunday Morning Worship, April 11, will be at 9:30 AM only. 4. During the month...

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