Welcome to Heritage Christian Reformed Church! We’re so glad that you are able to visit our website. We hope that you sense God’s presence here, and that you find this website about our church and its ministries helpful to you.

If you have any questions, our staff would love to talk with you. Please call the church office at 1(616)878-1992 to schedule an appointment. Thanks again for your visit, and may God continue to bless you!

—Heritage Staff


Worship: Heritage has two worship services every Sunday: 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. At the morning service, worship takes place both in the sanctuary and in the ARK (gym) via simulcast. The services are also live-streamed through facebook, youtube, vimeo, and our website. The evening service is held in the sanctuary. Child care is provided during the morning service.

Children’s Worship (Pre-K and K):
Partway through the morning service, children are dismissed to their classrooms for their own time of worship, designed just for their age.

Sunday School:
Children in kindergarten through fourth grade gather for a time of singing and learning from 10:45 to 11:45 after the morning service.

In catechism classes, kids in grades 5 through 12 study the Reformed faith as found in the Heidelberg Catechism. Catechism classes take place at the same time as Sunday School.

**Children’s Worship, Sunday School, and Catechism take place during the school year.


Our Staff Members

Pastor Bob Huisman


Pastor Dan Mouw


Vicki Williams


Brenda Gilder

office: 878-1992  office@heritagecrc.net

Heather Oosterman


Elisabeth Richards


Kristy Tuttle


Dianne Meyering