1. Sunday Morning Worship, May 9, will be at 9:30 AM
Sunday, May 9
One morning 9:30 AM service and we will transition to no rows of social distancing in the center two sections of the sanctuary while keeping one row of social distancing in the two outside seating sections of the sanctuary. Worship in the ARK continues to be available on Sunday morning.
May 9 – No Evening Worship or Sunday Night Connect due to Family Day (Mother’s Day).
Sunday, May 16
One 9:30 AM morning worship service.
Begin in-person evening worship at 5:00 PM.
Sunday, May 23
One 9:30 AM morning service.
In-person evening worship at 5:00 PM.
Sunday, May 30 (Memorial Day Weekend)
One 9:30 AM morning service.
Combined in-person evening worship at 5:00PM with Friendship and Second Byron CRC’s at Heritage.
Sunday, June 6
One 9:30 AM morning service (Pastor Bob Bolt’s farewell)
In-person evening worship at 5:00 PM.
This Sunday 9:30
This Sunday, we will celebrate God’s great love for us as described in Psalm 139. We will think of Mother’s Day: Loss and Resilience. We will also cast lots for new office-bearers and learn of a possible mission trip to help build a medical clinic in East Asia.
Thank You for your Gifts, Tithes, and Offerings
Thank you for your generosity to Christ’s Church. We encourage you to prioritize your local church in your giving because the local church is the bride of Christ, and Jesus is the hope of the world. We excel in the grace of giving when we honor God with our time, our treasures, and our talents.
Online Giving: Click Here or
Upcoming Worship Gatherings
Sunday, May 16
9:30 AM – Pastor Bob Bolt, Farewell to Seminary Intern Matthew Sun, Kid’s Hope Ministry Update
5:00 PM – REBUILD – A Study of the book of Nehemiah – chapter 10
Sunday, May 23
9:30 AM – Pentecost, Install Elders and Deacons, Baptism of Ivan Michael Clay Meekhof
5:00 PM – Seminarian Josiah Huisman
Sunday, May 30
9:30 AM – NEW LIFE IN CHRIST – A study of the book of Ephesians, 2:1-10
5:00 PM – Combined worship with Friendship CRC and Second Byron CRC
Sunday, June 6
9:30 AM – Pastor Bob Bolt’s Farewell/Retirement
5:00 PM – REBUILD – A Study of the book of Nehemiah – chapter 11
We are praying for you…will you pray for us too?
Your elders and deacons pray for you often.
They ask that you also pray for them.
They welcome calls or emails with prayer requests or reasons to praise God for what He has done.
Household Last Name Your Elder/ Deacon Team
A—Buist Rick Jongsma, Mike Shear
Buista—Diekema Brent Mulder, Roger Tiller
Diekemaa—Groenewold Tom Beier, Todd Mingerink
Groenewolda—J Al Groenewold, James Oosterman
K– Meekhof Jim Sytsma, Matt Davis
Meel—O Mark Kooistra, Brad Diekema
P—Slager Al Smith, Tim Terborg
Slagera—VanderH Bruce Berkenpas, Ted Koster
VanderI—Z Tom Tiemeyer, David DeJong
Sunday Morning Worship Both In-Person & Online
BOTH/AND – This Sunday morning we will gather for Sunday morning worship BOTH Indoors at Heritage AND Online on Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, and on our church website at All services will have the same sermon/message.
Sunday Worship DVD’s are available to be delivered to those who are not able to connect online. Please contact the church office if you are aware of anyone who would like a weekly DVD delivered to their door. (878-1992)
Nursery & Children’s Worship will be available during our 9:30 AM service Only.
Sermon Notes and Children’s Bulletin links are included in your Weekly Church Email and on our website.
Information for Connecting ONLINE
Go to or click HERE
Here is the link to our channel. If you subscribe, you get notifications when a new video is uploaded.
Church Website
Sunday Morning Worship is also available on our church website via Vimeo.
Our worship services remain available for on-demand viewing on Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, and our church website.
Our elders and deacons ask that you observe the following things:
- Please practice social distancing.
- Masks in Motion. Masks are required while moving throughout the building. When seated with social distancing, you can choose to keep your mask in place or remove it.
- If you are worshiping in the sanctuary, an usher will seat you. After the service, allow extra time and space in order to exit while maintaining social distancing.
- Please be aware that not everyone present will be at the same comfort level with personal contact. We ask that you refrain from handshaking and hugs.
- Hand sanitizer, gloves, and masks are available throughout the building.
Letter from our Council of Elders and Deacons
The following policies for opening up buildings for worship and church programs were adopted for the fall of 2020 and again in January 2021.
- Face Masks: Face masks are required to enter and move about the building at all times for persons 1st grade and above.
- Once you are seated for a worship service or a church meeting, masks are optional with social distancing.
- Masks and gloves will be available at all entrances.
- Worship
- Social distancing to allow singing without masks.
- Ushers will seat worshippers.
- Masks to be worn when entering and exiting and moving about the building.
- Transportation: Face masks are required in all church transportation at all times.
- Group Meetings
- No more than 12 people in a classroom at a time.
- No more than 50 people in the ARK or Fellowship Room at a time.
- Food and Drink: Prepackaged individual-sized snacks and beverages are acceptable. No large meals or shared food. Drinking fountains will not be available.
- Child Care: Nursery& Children’s Worship are available subject to Cleaning Procedures and having volunteers available to staff.
- Discipleship/Education: We will follow Byron Center Christian School and South Christian High School’s protocols with regard to in-person student opportunities.
- Cleaning
- Standing sanitizing stations are available throughout the building.
- Sanctuary, ARK, Fellowship Room, and Restrooms will be sanitized by staff after each event.
- Each teacher and group will be responsible to clean and disinfect their classroom/area after each use.
- Wipes and disinfectants will be available to wipe down all tables, chairs and door handles after each use.
- There will be a document in each room to record cleaning and must be signed and dated by the teacher or group, so we know it has been done.
Pastor Bob Huisman
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
And over all these virtues put on love,
which binds them all together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:12-14