Sunday at 9:30 AM-Gathering Online for Worship:
This Sunday, we begin our 3 part series on the Holy Spirit. We will look at Genesis 1, Psalm 51, and Isaiah 61.
“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me because the Lord has appointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.” (Isaiah 61;1)
Let us worship our God together!
Facebook: Sunday Morning Worship Premiers at 9:30 AM
Go to or click HERE
Church Website: Sunday Morning Worship is also available on our church website –
Sermon Notes and Children’s Bulletin links are included in your Weekly Church Email and on our website.
KIDS, make sure you watch Miss Ann’s Children’s Worship video after the service.
Our worship services remain available for later viewing on both Facebook and our Website.
Sunday Worship DVD’s are available to be delivered to those who are not able to connect to Facebook or the Church Website. Please contact the church office if you are aware of anyone who would like a weekly DVD delivered to their door. We are currently delivering about 10 DVDs a week. (878-1992)
Needed: Portable DVD Player – we currently have a need for one more portable DVD player and screen for one of our members. Contact Pastor Bob Huisman if you have one that you are willing to loan or donate. or 616.682.7685
When are we Reopening?:
As a community of faith in Christ Jesus, we deeply value connecting with God, one another, and our community.
When will we be able to connect with one another in person?
We are seriously considering this question from every angle – all of the information, pros/cons, risks/liabilities, incremental/phases, feasibility/sustainability, cleaning/safety, CDC/CRC, indoor/outdoor, singing/social distancing, faith/fear, loving our neighbor/honoring authority, etc.
We will have a plan outlining our next steps to share with you by the end of the month.
In Need of Prayer?:
Our pastors and prayer volunteers would love to lift you up before God in prayer.
Email or text Pastor Bob Huisman with your prayer request or to request one of the pastors or prayer volunteers to contact you by phone. We have male and female prayer volunteers who are eager to call and pray with you. ( or 616.682.7685)
Wednesday Midweek Connection:
Encouragement for your body, mind, and soul. Tune in on Facebook on Wednesday, May 27 at 7:00 PM for a 20 minute midweek connection of scripture, prayer, and some brief reflections with Pastor Bob Huisman.
Go to or click HERE
Upcoming Worship Gatherings:
50th Anniversary: Our anniversary celebration scheduled for Sunday, June 14 has been postponed. It is tentatively rescheduled for Sunday, September 13 to coincide with our Fall Kickoff.
Sunday, May 31 The Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Pastor Bob Bolt, Acts 2
Sunday, June 7 The Holy Spirit in the New Testament, John 14
Graduates Recognition
Plans are being made for an outdoor parking lot drive through celebration.
Pastor Bob Huisman
May God go before you to lead you and behind you to protect you,
May God go beneath you to support you and beside you to befriend you.
Do not be afraid.
May the blessing of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and Holy Spirit
be upon you. Amen.