Sunday, August 19
Sunday morning at 9:30, we will return to the Vibrant Faith series on the book of James and explore the question, “Does God Still Heal?”. Pastor Kevin will provide a special children’s message.
Austin Presnell, from CityFest, will provide 12 minutes of free training to equip you not only to be a Festival Friend at CityFest but also to be a more effective witness for Christ at church, at work, with your family and everywhere.
During our evening worship at 5:00PM (in the ARK – with ice-cream treats and the ARK Advantage) we will go deeper with one of the themes from our morning exploration of James 5 – Emotional Healing (This is a change from our schedule – the Commandment Countdown Series will continue on the 26th at 5:00).
E100 – Take the Challenge Starting September 16
The Essential one hundred stories of the Bible (50 from the Old Testament and 50 from the New Testament). Take the challenge and you will read 5 short bible stories a week for 10 weeks in the fall and for 10 weeks in the winter (each Sunday morning’s sermon will be from one of the stories for the upcoming week). Most people enjoy the journey more if they find a friend or two or three with whom they can travel together through the Bible and discuss their readings weekly or every other week. All you need is a Bible you already own. Additional resource materials for families with young children, youth, and adults are available in the Fellowship Room starting this Sunday.
Every Sunday is the opportunity to Practice Hospitality.
(Romans 12:13)
During the month of August, be on the lookout for worship guests! Introduce yourself and invite them to join you for coffee/lemonade in the fellowship room (stop by the Welcome Center for a free gift if this is their first time to Heritage). Once in the fellowship room, widen the circle and introduce your potential new friend to someone else.
NEW: Prayer and Encouragement: Volunteers are available to you following every morning worship service in both the Sanctuary and the Prayer Room.
Upcoming Worship Gatherings:
August 26
9:30 – AWAKENING, Worship Team/Leaders = High School Students who attended the Awakening Worship Conference at Hope College this summer.
5:00 – Commandment Countdown: No. 8: Do Not Steal: Love Generosity
September 2
9:30 – Addressing God: Labor Day Weekend – (Combined in Sanctuary)
5:00 – Combined Worship at 2nd Byron Center CRC with 1st Cutlerville
September 9
9:30 – Ministry Season Kickoff! Outdoor worship on the front lawn. All Church Lunch. Into to our E100 Bible Reading Challenge Series. Baptism of Joslyn Helmholdt.
5:00 – No Evening Service – City Fest in GR – Family Festival, Christian Artists: Toby Mac, Mandisa and Danny Gokey, Luis and Andrew Palau
September 16
9:30 – E100 – 1 of 10, In the Beginning, Bibles for Kindergartners and 2nd graders, Kid’s Hope, After Worship: Congregational Meeting in Sanctuary
5:00 – Commandment Countdown: No. 7: Do Not Commit Adultery: Love Fidelity, Celebration of Lord’s Supper
September 23
9:30 – E100 – 2 of 10, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
5:00 – Commandment Countdown: No.6: Do Not Kill: Love Gentleness
Did you know that there is a team of volunteers at Heritage who pray regularly for individuals who are not yet living in relationship with God? If you would like your family member or friend added to their prayer list, please put their name in the lantern at the Welcome Center.