Sunday, June 3
What is faith? Is my faith dead or alive? How do I know? This Sunday morning at 9:30, we look at all of these questions from James 2:14-26.
We will also thank our retiring custodians Joel and Kim Grevenstuk and family and we will celebrate our graduates.
Our new elders and deacons will be installed in their offices and we will give thanks to God for the multitude of volunteers Serving Him, His People and His World. Cake and Coffee will be available following morning worship.
At 5:00, we ask what does it mean to “believe in the holy catholic church and the communion of saints. Jeff and Abby Herrema will make their public professions of faith.
You are invited to come to the Prayer Room following any morning worship service where prayer volunteers are ready to listen and to pray for you and the concerns on your heart.
Please invite every Worship Guest to walk with you to the Welcome Center where they can receive their free gift and more information about Heritage CRC. Encourage them to join you for a cup of coffee and introduce them to another person at Heritage.
Pray for God to B.L.E.S.S. friends or family who don’t know Jesus yet.
B – Body
L – Labor
E – Emotions
S – Socially
S – Spiritually
Upcoming Worship Gatherings:
June 10
9:30 – Vibrant Faith: Peace Loving Part 1 of 2, James 3:1-11, Nepal Mission Update-Amit Karhat, Prayer for Awakening Students
10:45 – Sanctuary Refurbish Proposal Introduction
5:00 – CREDO – I believe in the Forgiveness of Sins, (Worship in the ARK with ARK Advantage and Refreshments)
(Happy 48th-anniversary Heritage CRC–organized June 15, 1970)
June 17
9:30 – Father’s Day
No Evening Service – Family Devotional Day
June 24
9:30 – Pastor Kevin Van Wyhe, Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
5:00 – CREDO – I believe in the Ressurection of the Body
July 1
9:30 – Pastor Bob Bolt
5:00 – Combined worship at Heritage with 2nd Byron CRC
July 8
9:30 – Vibrant Faith: Peace-Loving Part 2 of 2, James 3:13-18
5:00 – CREDO – l believe in life everlasting
Did you know that there is a team of volunteers at Heritage who pray regularly for a list of individuals who are not yet living in relationship with God? If you would like your family member or friend added to their prayer list, please put their name in the lantern at the Welcome Center.