Christmas is for Sharing

Christmas is for Sharing
As you make plans to gather together to worship the babe of Bethlehem this Christmas, plan as well to share the good news by sharing the Heritage Christmas worship service with family and friends and co-workers.

Christmas Eve Candlelight/Christmas Day Worship
For weeks and weeks, our musicians and technicians have been working overtime to create a beautiful celebration of Jesus’ birth.  We have partnered with a local videographer to bring you the Christmas story from the Green’s Barn, the Church Nativity, and with stained glass beauty.  Every year God meets us at midnight to welcome in Christmas.  This year, the pre-recorded Christmas Worship Service will be available on our church website starting at 5:00PM on Christmas Eve.  Gather to worship anytime that works for you and yours on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day or thereafter.  It will premier on Facebook at 11:00 PM.  We encourage you to share this celebration with family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.  It is our prayer that the good news of Jesus will be received by many this Christmas and that God will use this celebration as one of the ways He brings eternal life to the hearts and souls of men and women and boys and girls.  Start praying and asking God with whom you should share this celebration of His great love.

Thank You for your Gifts, Tithes, and Offerings
Thank you for your generosity to Christ’s Church.  We know there are many requests for gift giving during the Christmas season.  We encourage you to prioritize your local church in your giving because the local church is the hope of the world.

Online Giving: Click Here  or

Get Your Christmas Eve Candle and Star Words
Starting Sunday, December 20, in the east entrance, a Christmas Candle and a Star Word (a word from God to guide you through the year like the star guided the wise men to Jesus) wrapped together in a Christmas greeting will be available to each household to pick up.  Use the candle at home to light when Pastor Bob lights the Christ Candle at the conclusion of the Christmas Eve/Christmas Day Worship Celebration.  If you or someone you know can not pick up their candle, contact the church office and we will glad to deliver them to their door.  (878-1992).

Information for Connecting ONLINE

Go to or click HERE

Church Website
Sunday Morning Worship is also available on our church website –

Sermon Notes and Children’s Bulletin links are included in your Weekly Church Email and on our website.

Our worship services remain available for on-demand viewing on both Facebook and our Website.

Sunday Worship DVD’s are available to be delivered to those who are not able to connect to Facebook or the Church Website.  Please contact the church office if you are aware of anyone who would like a weekly DVD delivered to their door.  We are currently delivering about 10 DVDs a week. (878-1992)

In Need of Prayer?
Our pastors and prayer volunteers would love to lift you up before God in prayer.
Email or text Pastor Bob Huisman with your prayer request or to request one of the pastors or prayer volunteers to contact you by phone.  We have male and female prayer volunteers who are eager to call and pray with you. ( or 616.682.7685)

District Elders and Deacons are available for pastoral care needs and concerns.

Household Last Name         Elder/ Deacon Team
A—Buist                                 Rick Jongsma, Mike Shear
Buista—Diekema                   Brent Mulder, Roger Tiller
Diekemaa—Groenewold       Tom Beier, Todd Mingerink
Groenewolda—J                    Al Groenewold, James Oosterman
K– Meekhof                           Jim Sytsma, Matt Davis
Meel—O                                Mark Kooistra, Brad Diekema
P—Slager                              Al Smith, Tim Terborg
Slagera—VanderH                Bruce Berkenpas, Ted Koster
VanderI—Z                            Tom Tiemeyer, David DeJong

Upcoming Worship Gatherings

Sunday, December 27
AM – Pastor Bob Bolt, Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
PM – No Sunday Night Connect

Sunday, January 3
AM – Pastor Kevin Van Wyhe
PM – Seminary Graduate Brad Diekema

Sunday, December 10 – Introduction to 40 Day Red Letter Challenge

Pastor Bob Huisman
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
And over all these virtues put on love, 
which binds them all together in perfect unity.  Colossians 3:12-14