West Michigan finally got a good old fashioned snow day! When I was kid it snowed so much that we had to………never mind :).
This Sunday morning we conclude our Walking with God series. We will look at 1 Corinthians 12 and remember how the church is an interconnected gathering of God’s gifted people. Our worship team is ready. We had such a good idea for the evening service that we are going to try something similar in the morning as well. Come with open hearts ready to Walk in Community. (Kids – I need your help again for the Children’s Message)
You are invited to come to the prayer room following any morning worship service where prayer volunteers are ready to listen and to pray for you and the concerns on your heart.
Please invite every worship guest to walk with you to the Welcome Center where they can receive their free gift and more information about Heritage CRC.
At 5:00, we will be in part 5 of 6 of our 40 Days of Prayer Challenge. 2 Chronicles 20 will guide our hearts and minds about Praying in Crisis.
Please pray for God to bless our middle school students, leaders and Pastor Kevin who will be at a Winter Retreat at Grace Adventures this weekend.
Pastor Bob Huisman
February 18
9:30AM First Sunday of Lent; Lord’s Supper Celebration, Begin Romans 8 series (Introduction to 8:28 Testimonies)
5:00PM – 40 Days of Prayer: Praying with Confidence
40 Days of Prayer Daily Scriptures
Day 29 – (Monday, February 12) 2 Chronicles 20:6
Day 30 – 2 Chronicles 20:7-9
Day 31 – 2 Chronicles 20:10-12
Day 32 – 2 Chronicles 20:15-17
Day 33 – Hebrews 11:6
Day 34 – I Thessalonians 5:17
Day 35 – Ephesians 3:20