Many people today feel like we are walking in darkness. In fact, some feel like it is a land of the shadow of death. Those are the same images that the prophet Isaiah used to describe the life of God’s ancient people. While our circumstances are different, the true Light that shone long ago is […]

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Welcome back to one of our former pastors, Rev. Dale Slings. Dale and his wife Gloria were at Heritage from 1987-1999. We are grateful to have them join us as part of our 50th-anniversary celebration. Pastor Slings will open God’s word with us from I Samuel 17:312-52 and Hebrews 11:5-10 with the theme, “Jesus Our […]

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We return to our series, GratitudeX10, examining the prohibitions and positive call on our lives of God’s Ten Commandments. This week, the commandment, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” includes the call to Love the Truth and to Guard and Advance my neighbor’s good name.

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