Seminary graduate and candidate for ministry, Brad Diekema, will lead us in worship with a message from Luke 9:57-62.
Disappointment and Faith. “If only you had been here”. That is what Mary and Martha said to Jesus after their brother Lazarus died. How have you faced disappointment? Together, we will learn from John 10 where to find true hope in the face of disappointment. We will explore John 10. Friends from Mel Trotter Ministries […]
“JOY”. “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart” one song begins. Does joy make you happy? Does happiness bring you joy? This Sunday, we begin a four-part study of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi. The book of Philippians is often referred to as the New Testament letter […]
The world around us is shaking? Where can we find a reliable foundation? As we celebrate our GEMS Girls Club Ministry this Sunday, we will explore the truth of their theme found in Psalm 62:2, “Unshakeable”. “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my […]
“Teetering on the Edge”. Pastor Dan will conclude our series on the Lord’s Prayer, “Just Start Praying”. We will examine the Lord’s Prayer and the petition, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” and the conclusion of the prayer, “For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory […]
What do you call a gathering of people that has disagreement? This Sunday we will find out when we conclude our series on Belonging with “The Way of Love” from I Corinthians 13. We will celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Also, Jim DeBoer, from Hope College, will give an invitation for high school […]
Forgiveness or Unforgiveness. Do you struggle with one, both, or neither? As we continue our series, “Just Start Praying”, we will examine the Lord’s Prayer and the petition, “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”. Matthew chapter 18 will guide our thoughts and reflections together.
Welcome back Pastor Bob and Carol Bolt! Heritage’s recently retired Pastor of Congregational Life (June 2021), Pastor Bob Bolt, will lead us in worship on Sunday morning with a message from Ruth chapter 1, “Try a Little Kindness”. Jordyn, Jaelyn, and Joslyn Helmholdt will be our music ministry. Michael Wozniak, director of Byron Community Ministries, […]
When Jesus taught his disciples to pray for daily bread, did he really mean “bread”? As we continue our series, “Just Start Praying”, we will examine the Lord’s Prayer and the petition, “Give us today our daily bread”. Proverbs 30:8-9 will guide our thoughts and reflections together.
BELONGING-No Longer Strangers. Jesus promise in John 15 is remarkable! Could it be that Jesus has shared EVERYTHING from the Father with his disciples? We will learn from Jesus what to do when you run out of love. Ann DeGroot, from our Prayer Encouragement Team, will nudge us to “just start praying” Lantern Prayers.