2022.07.17 | Why? (Live-Stream)

“Why?”, Psalm 22 “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” These are the beginning words of Psalm 22. We continue with our series, SummerSongs, a journey into the Psalms and an examination of the songs and prayers that reflect the hurts and hallelujahs of God’s ancient people and give voice to our prayers […]

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“Hurts and Hallelujahs”, Psalms 8, 29, 136 This is week two of our summer of Worship in the ARK while sanctuary renovations move ahead. We begin our new series, SummerSongs, this Sunday. SummerSongs will focus our hearts on the Bible’s book of prayer and song: The Psalms. This Sunday we turn our hearts in prayer […]

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“No Other Savior” from John 6 This Sunday, we mourn with those who mourn and we rejoice with those who rejoice. Together, we grieve the death of Teresa Michele Shear and we celebrated the baptism of Judah Dale Reidsma. Pastor Dan will lead us from God’s Word with a message from the Gospel of John […]

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“Pentecost Power” from Acts 2. Where do you see evidence of the Holy Spirit of God at work? This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost and the birth of the Christian Church as we dig into Acts Chapter 2 together. We will install new elders and deacons into their offices. Becki Hartgerink, our new Kid’s Hope Director, […]

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