A Weary World Rejoices. We will remember the reason for the season when we are weary of busyness. This Sunday we begin the season of Advent that calls us “to meditate on the three “comings” of Christ: his birth at Bethlehem, his coming into our lives today, and his final coming at the end of […]
Paul’s Letter to the Romans: The Fifth Gospel. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). We will look to the life of Daniel in the Old Testament (Daniel 1) as an illustration of the truth of Romans 12:2.
Hurt, Hope, and Healing. This Sunday we open God’s word to Lamentations 3 and look closely at how hope and hurt co-exist in life and the Scriptures. Larry Schout, a friend of Pastor Bob, will share his testimony of God’s grace and mercy during the past 2 years during a season of multiple losses and […]
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. With the help of Prayercast.org, we will pray for the United States, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, South Korea, and North Korea. We will conclude with “His Praise Goes On.”
The JOY of Church. This Sunday we conclude our series on the Four Essentials of Church Renewal. We focus on Acts 2:42-47 and the four practices that make a Healthy Church. Are you willing to commit to all four? We will take time to give thanks to God for the veterans and their sacrificial service.
“For All the Saints”, will conclude with an opportunity to light a candle and share a word in honor and memory of a loved one or family member who is no longer with us. Our Scripture will be Hebrews 11-12, remembering the ancient biblical saints (Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses) and those […]
REDEDICATING OUR SOULS AND SPACE This Sunday we will pause to give thanks to God for our Remodeled Sanctuary and celebrate with a church-wide lunch at 11:45. We will focus on God’s faithfulness and forgiveness and our response of grateful obedience and worship. Church-wide Lunch at 11:45 Please gather in the ARK at 11:45 for […]
LEADERSHIP ATTITUDES and MOTIVES This Sunday we continue our series on the Four Essentials of Church Renewal – Abiding, Vision, Leadership, and Health. Part 2 of 2 on LEADERSHIP will encourage us with God’s perfect gift and example of leadership prophesied in Isaiah 42 and fulfilled in Jesus (Matthew 12). Former pastor Bob Bolt will […]