God’s Providence.
WALK HUMBLY. Invite a friend to join us for part 3 of our new Church Renewal Sermon Series this Sunday on Micah 6:8 – What Does the Lord Require of Us? To Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with our God. We will also have the opportunity to participate in Operation Christmas Child and […]
Carla Lopez (Ross and Pam Landhuis’ daughter) will share with us an update on what God is doing through Florecer and their ministry in Guatemala. Kang Heo, our seminarian intern, will open God’s word with us from 2 Kings 5, “The Hidden Blessings”.
LOVE MERCY. Invite a friend to join us for part 2 of our new Church Renewal Sermon Series this Sunday on Micah 6:8 – What Does the Lord Require of Us? To Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with our God. Our Director of Outreach, Elisabeth Richards, will help us step forward to minister […]
We gather together to sing God’s praises, pray for one another, and dive deeply into the good news of Jesus our Savior and Lord. Pastor Bob will help us explore God’s revelation of Himself as three distinct persons who are one true God. How does the Trinity affect the way live our lives?
DO NOT FRET. This Sunday, we gather together to worship God the Father Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth. We return to our series, SummerSongs and Pastor Bob will help focus our hearts on Psalm 37. How do we live when the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer?
We gather together to sing God’s praises, pray for one another, and dive deeply into the good news of Jesus our Savior and Lord. Pastor Dan will turn our hearts to Haggai chapter 1 with a message entitled “There’s No Time Like the Present.”
RESTORE. This Sunday, we gather together to worship God the Father Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth. We return to our series, SummerSongs and Pastor Bob will help focus our hearts on Psalm 51. May we hear God’s call to serious self-examination and God’s promise of divine restoration. We will conclude our worship with […]
We gather together to sing God’s praises, pray for one another, and dive deeply into the good news of Jesus our Savior and Lord. Pastor Bob will continue our evening series on “We Belong” with a message from Hebrews 11 answering the question “What is True Faith?”.