God of Jacob


 Psalm 46

 Introduction – Frederick Buechner

The book of Genesis makes no attempt to conceal the fact that Jacob, among other things, was a crook…

In Distress One Being Found Exceedingly

A literal translation of Verse 1

 Elohim, to us, refuge, strength, help… in distress one being found exceedingly.

 Eugene Peterson –

God dwells in this place, this world. God is not an occasional tourist to our shores. He has set up habitation here, not as a camper, as a citizen: there is a city of God. It is in the same world where the violence is, the trouble is, which means we need not go off looking for God in a quiet, secluded glen.

Defies, Escapes, and Redefines Expectations

The Refrain

Your God Is Too Small

Knowable and Must Be Known

The word “know”

Friedrich Von Hugel – Nothing was ever accomplished in a stampede.

Conclusion – Frederick Buechner

(The lesson is) God doesn’t love people because of who they are but because of who he is. “It’s on the house” is one way of saying it, “It’s by grace” is another.