Mark 1:14-20
Introduction – Christmas & Babies
Lesson 1: The Church ______________Where It Doesn’t_______________
Frederick Bruner – “Galilee is a strange place for a Messiah to work. There is no rabbinic reference to the Messiah’s appearing or working in Galilee… The distance from Zion (Jerusalem) was not only geographic; Galileans were considered by Judeans to sit rather loosely on the law and to be less biblically pure than those near Jerusalem.”
So a Pastor Walks Into A Bar
John 3:16
Lesson 2: The Message of the Church is _____________________________
The Message
“Don’t you wish you did?”
Lesson 3: In the Church ___________Take Priority Over Our ____________
At once?
The power of the Word
The priority of the ears
Conclusion – PH 502