2024.06.02 | Sermon on the Mount: The Devotions (Live-Stream)

In this Pentecost season, we continue to pray, Creator God, who formed humanity from the dust, breathe in me again. Revive me and sanctify me by the power of your Holy Spirit.
Set my heart on fire with the good news of your Gospel.
This Sunday, we gather to worship our Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our focus returns to Jesus’ wisdom recorded in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7. We will examine Jesus’ warnings regarding giving to the poor, prayer, and fasting.
As we hear Jesus’ warnings about prayer and see his example of prayer, be sure to pick up a Free Prayer Journal available in the Fellowship Room.
Also, we will install new elders and deacons into their offices for three-year terms of service. Heather Oosterman will give an update from our Kid’s Hope Ministry.
Finally, we will introduce our new, first-ever, part time Director of Children’s Ministry who will help us share the love, compassion, and good news of Jesus with the young families in our church and community.