2022.10.02 | The Kingdom is Here! (Live-Stream)

The Kingdom is Here!
We welcome back to Heritage, Pastor Jim and Shelley Boer. Pastor Jim will conclude our delayed and extended 50th-anniversary celebration. We were delayed by Covid and we extended our timeline because of some of Pastor Jim’s recent health concerns. We are so thankful to God for the opportunity to gather together and give God thanks for His great faithfulness to Heritage for 50+ years (52 years and 4 months). Pastor Jim will share a message from Mark 4:26-29 entitled, “The Kingdom is Here!”.
We are very excited about another installment of Finding God outdoors: Student Edition Part 3 of 4.
This Sunday is Worldwide Communion Sunday and we will conclude our time of worship with a celebration of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Our seminary intern, Kang Heo, will assist us with the Lord’s Prayer in Korean.