On the Road to the Cross. Pastor Dan and the worship team will lead us in worship and the Word. Our hearts will focus on Luke 18:31-34 and Jesus predicting his death to his disciples.
Seeing with our Hearts This Sunday, our GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior) girls club will lead us in worship and give thanks to God for another season of growing under the theme from Micah 6:8, ACT, LOVE, WALK. Pastor Dan will preach from Micah 6:6-8 under the theme: “Seeing with our Hearts.” Pastor Bob, […]
The “Water Bottle” Psalm. We will gather together for fellowship and to worship our great God together. Pastor Dan will open God’s word with us while Pastor Bob worships with his former congregation at their 75th-anniversary celebration at Immanuel CRC, Hudsonville, MI. We will turn our hearts to God’s word in Psalm 63. Some of […]
We gather together to give God thanks for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Pastor Dan will open God’s word with us and help us understand God’s truth from Psalm 80.
How to Wait Well. As we move further into the season of Advent, Pastor Dan will lead us with a message from Luke 2:22-40, “How to Wait Well”.
This Sunday, Pastor Dan will lead us with a message from James 3, “Spreading Peace Around”. We will celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
We gather to worship our triune God in praise, prayer, and the fellowship of his people. Pastor Dan will turn our hearts to I Corinthians 2 with a message entitled, “Now I Get It”.
“No Other Savior” from John 6 This Sunday, we mourn with those who mourn and we rejoice with those who rejoice. Together, we grieve the death of Teresa Michele Shear and we celebrated the baptism of Judah Dale Reidsma. Pastor Dan will lead us from God’s Word with a message from the Gospel of John […]
The Sign of the Times. We gather to worship our great God in song and prayer and reflection on his holy Word. Pastor Dan will lead us from Matthew 24:1-14 with a message entitled, “The Sign of the Times”.