We return to our series, GratitudeX10, examining the prohibitions and positive call on our lives of God’s Ten Commandments. This week, the commandment, “You shall not steal” includes the call to Generosity and that we “do whatever I can for my neighbor’s good.”
We gather together to worship God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. The life-changing biblical truths of Reformation Faith will be our focus as we open God’s word to Ephesians 2:8-10. The Heritage Aging and Disabilities Advocates (ADA) Ministry will give a brief update on God’s vision for Heritage being a community where […]
We will continue our series “GratitudeX10” on the Ten Commandments. Living a life of gratitude to God for his saving grace is a life that seeks to obey God’s commandments. We will explore what God is calling us to in the 7th commandment, “You shall not commit adultery”. We will seek truth from God’s word […]
We will continue our series “GratitudeX10” on the Ten Commandments. Living a life of gratitude to God for his saving grace is a life that seeks to obey God’s commandments. We will explore what God is calling us to in the 6th commandment, “You shall not murder”.
We will celebrate the sacrament of baptism with Rustin Mingerink, son of Brandon and Kallie. God’s Word will speak to us from Exodus 16 with God’s fascinating response to the grumblings of his people.
We will continue our series “GratitudeX10” on the Ten Commandments. Living a life of gratitude to God for his saving grace is a life that seeks to obey God’s commandments. We will explore what God is calling us to in the 5th commandment, “Honor your father and mother”.
This Sunday we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper along with Christians around the world on Worldwide Communion Sunday. Bread and juice will be distributed to worshippers in their seats and prepackaged juice and wafers will be available at the entryways. Our hearts will turn to the most important revelation of God until the birth of […]
We return to our series “GratitudeX10”. Living a life of gratitude to God is a life of obedience to his commandments. We explore what it means to use God’s holy name with reverence and awe.
Have you ever wrestled with God? Has God ever wrestled with you? Our text from Genesis 32 uncovers one of the strangest stories in the Bible. Discover the results of God wrestling with Jacob. We will also welcome our three new staff members!
10:00 AM – Kickoff Sunday and 50th Anniversary Come early for coffee and donuts before worship this Sunday (note the change in start time for our outdoor service.) Weather permitting, we will meet outside on the front lawn for our Kickoff Sunday. Please bring a lawn chair. Our new 4 part sermon series “God Provides […]