Let Your Love Be Real. We return to our study of Paul’s Letter to the Romans, “The Fifth Gospel”. As we continue through chapter 12 we see the practical ethic of the gospel on full display…Be devoted to one another…honor one another…be patient in affliction…do not be proud…so many commands in so few verses. Our […]

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Sanctity of Life Sunday. We gather together to give God thanks for the precious gift of life He has given to us. We cherish it and stand amazed at how much He loves us. Psalm 139 will guide our reflections on the God who loves, creates, and sustains all of creation! You can trust in […]

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2023.01.15 | Run to God (Live-Stream)

Run to God. I Kings 19 contains the remarkable journey of Elijah the prophet from miraculous success to serious sadness. We will be reminded of God’s deep care when the “journey is too much for you” and how to hear God’s still small voice of promise and hope.

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2023.01.08 | Surrender (Live-Stream)

We will gather to worship God and learn from the Apostle Pauls’s letter to the church in Rome. We have been slowly moving through the magnificent chapter 12 and will look closely at verses 3-8. Our Old Testament example illustrating Sober Self Assessment is Moses.

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