PAPUA NEW GUINEA. It has been a little over 6 years since we have had the opportunity to have our missionary partners Chris and Angie Walker join us in person to share what God is doing in Papua New Guinea and in the Mibu Church. Few countries can match the cultural diversity of Papua New […]
The Servant Healer. Invite a friend to join us as we gather to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our worship team will be the Korean Awakening group with whom our seminary intern Kang is associated. Seminarian, Josiah Huisman (son of Pastor Bob and Lisa – we still call him “Joey”) will bless us […]
The Beatitudes: Formation as Resistance. On the fourth Sunday of the season of Lent, we continue to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Easter. This Sunday, third year Western seminary student, Josiah Huisman (son of Pastor Bob and Lisa), will open God’s word with us from Matthew 5 and share message entitled, “Formation as […]
Fully Known by God. Brad Diekema will preach a message from Psalm 139, “Fully known by God.”
“A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey” We welcome back Pastor Len Riemersma who will open God’s word with us from Exodus 3:1-10 and Numbers 13:26-27 under theme of “A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey.”
Seminary graduate and candidate for ministry, Brad Diekema, will lead us in worship with a message from Luke 9:57-62.
Welcome back to one of our former pastors, Rev. Dale Slings. Dale and his wife Gloria were at Heritage from 1987-1999. We are grateful to have them join us as part of our 50th-anniversary celebration. Pastor Slings will open God’s word with us from I Samuel 17:312-52 and Hebrews 11:5-10 with the theme, “Jesus Our […]