Fusion “242” Small Groups Meeting

FUSION “242” SMALL GROUPS will meet after the Summit Worship Service on January 21. There will be a meal right after the Summit service and then “242” groups will head to their various locations. Your leaders will be contacting you to let you know where your group will be meeting....

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Fusion ‘Summit Worship’ for High School Students

FUSION “SUMMIT WORSHIP” FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS On the Third Sunday night of each month through May, Starting on Sunday, January 21 at 5:00 PM, we will be having a special student led worship service in the ARK. This “Summit worship” service geared for High School Students. Plan on an...

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Fusion Parents – Information Meeting

FOR PARENTS!!! – FUSION HIGH SCHOOL PARENT’S INFORMATION MEETING On Sunday, January 14 at 3:45 PM there will be a special information meeting in the loft for any parents who wish to attend. Pastor Kevin will spend some time walking through the dreams, goals and vision of where we are...

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