Our vision and mission for diverse abilities:
Everyone Belongs, Everyone Serves
The Aging and Disability Advocates (ADA) at Heritage seek to bring about the full participation of people with disabilities in the life of the church and the full participation of the church in the lives of people with disabilities.
Disabilities can become a part of a person’s life either because of aging, or an accident, or from illness, or from birth. We define a disability as anything that would limit a person’s ability to engage in certain tasks or actions, or participate in typical daily activities and interactions. The type of disability could be either physical, mental, cognitive, sensory, or developmental.
We aim to:
1. Overcome isolation and disconnectedness of persons with disabilities and with their families.
2. Nurture the spiritual lives of people with disabilities and equip/train those who are shepherding them.
3. Encourage and develop the gifts of people with disabilities so that then can participate fully in the family of God.
4. Modify and plan physical space and architecture to make participation in the life of the church accessible to all members.
5. Lead the congregation in maturing attitudes to embrace individuals with disabilities as co-laborers in the Kingdom of God.
(Modified from CLC, Disability Concerns, and 5 Stages of Disability Attitudes)
We want to be aware of those who have needs, so that we can facilitate ways to embrace and find ways to help.
To contact anyone from our team, please email ADAcommunications@