
Sunday School and Catechism – Cancelled

Event details

  • Sunday | November 8, 2020
  • 10:15 am - 10:45 am

November 24, 2020

Dear Heritage Family and Friends,

Last night, the Heritage CRC Council met via Zoom and voted to extend the suspension of all in-person church activities through December 12.  The Council will gather for its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 8 to reevaluate.

Please pray for God’s blessing and strength for our healthcare workers and continue to turn your hearts to Jesus as we begin to prepare to celebrate his birth.

Heritage CRC Council


November 11, 2020

Dear Heritage Christian Reformed Church and Friends,

Due to the rapidly increasing positive cases of COVID in our area and within our church families, last night our Council decided to suspend all indoor activities until November 29. We did not come to this decision lightly or unadvisedly.  We have been in discussion with our local physicians over the last several days and believe this is a wise decision at this time for our congregation.

This means our worship services for November 15 and 22 along with our Thanksgiving Day worship service on the 26th will not be available in person but will be available online.

All other activities such as Youth Ministries, Sunday School, Catechism, Coffee Break, GEMS, Cadets, Bible study groups, etc. will be paused as well.

Our desire as a Council and staff is to worship together in person.  We are hoping we can gather together in person for the season of Advent.

Our Council of elders and deacons will be meeting again in a few weeks to discuss the current COVID climate at that time, with a hope of worshipping together on November 29 in person.

We ask for your continued prayers for our staff, Council and ministry leaders.  Please pray for health and healing for the many who have tested positive.  Ask God to bless our many health care workers with safety and the strength and wisdom needed to do their jobs during this surge.

This season, sometimes referred to simply as “COVID”, has lasted longer than any of us have expected.  As a Council, we want to thank you for your patience, flexibility, generosity and many prayers.

God is good.
God is faithful.
God is in control.
To Him be the glory – now and forever.

Jim Oosterman,
On behalf of the Heritage Christian Reformed Church Council