Fusion “242” Small Groups Meeting

FUSION “242” SMALL GROUPS Our 242 small groups will meet on February 4 at 2:30PM because of the Super Bowl. Your leaders will contact you with the location of your small group. If you would still like to be in a “242” Small Group, please contact Pastor Kevin or one...

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Fusion ‘Summit Worship’ for High School Students

FUSION “SUMMIT WORSHIP” FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS On February 18, we will be having a special student led worship service in the ARK. This “Summit Worship” is service geared for High School Students. Plan on an evening of student led worship, dynamic student challenges, student testimonies, dramas, videos and a...

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Fusion and En Fuego Cedar Point Trip

On Tuesday,  June 12 we will be going to Cedar Point for a day of fun and hanging out together. We will leave church at 4:30 AM on Tuesday and return around 12:30AM on Wednesday.  Cost is $50 and will cover your ticket and lunch at the park.  Fast food...

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En Fuego: Friday Night Escape

Not sure what to do on a Friday Night?   Grab a friend and come hang out at church for a night of fun, food over a bon fire and friends.    We will have a variety of games and activities at the “Fire Pit” for you and your friends!!!  Dress to...

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