Fusion: Millennium Park Trails Biking
FUSION MILLENNIUM PARK TRAILS BIKING On Sunday, August 12 at 6:30 PM we will load up bikes in trailers and head to Millennium park for a ride through the park with ice-cream after. Bring your bike and a helmet to church at 6:30 PM. You are welcome to invite a friend!
Fusion: Kayak Trip
FUSION KAYAK TRIP On Thursday, August 2 we will be going on a Kayak trip down the Grand River from Wilson to the Grand River Park near Grand Valley. We will leave church at 1:PM and return around 6:PM. Wear clothes that can get wet and bring a change of clothes. ...
Fusion: Fire/Cookout Night
FUSION FIRE/COOKOUT NIGHT AT THE PIT Sunday, 07.29.18 at 6:30 PM we will be having a bon fire, games, and food down at the “Pit” [The area outside the Cadet building]. You are welcome to bring a friend and come hang out. This is geared for all incoming 9th Graders through outgoing...