FB or Website Viewing Worship Service: Zealous for the Lord!

Gathering ONLINE this Sunday, November 22 In response to the coronavirus surge and the recommendations of our local medical experts, the Heritage CRC Council has suspended all indoor activities through November 28. A letter from the Council was emailed to the congregation and is available on our website and our...

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Men’s Wednesday Night Explore Bible Study – Cancelled

November 24, 2020 Dear Heritage Family and Friends, Last night, the Heritage CRC Council met via Zoom and voted to extend the suspension of all in-person church activities through December 12.  The Council will gather for its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 8 to reevaluate. Please pray for God’s...

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GEMS Meeting – Cancelled

November 24, 2020 Dear Heritage Family and Friends, Last night, the Heritage CRC Council met via Zoom and voted to extend the suspension of all in-person church activities through December 12.  The Council will gather for its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 8 to reevaluate. Please pray for God’s...

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Fusion: Sunday Nights – November 8 and 22 Events Cancelled

November 11, 2020 Dear Heritage Christian Reformed Church and Friends, Due to the rapidly increasing positive cases of COVID in our area and within our church families, last night our Council decided to suspend all indoor activities until November 29. We did not come to this decision lightly or unadvisedly. ...

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Sunday School and Catechism – Cancelled

November 24, 2020 Dear Heritage Family and Friends, Last night, the Heritage CRC Council met via Zoom and voted to extend the suspension of all in-person church activities through December 12.  The Council will gather for its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 8 to reevaluate. Please pray for God’s...

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