Heritage Young Families: Hayride and bonfire

Join us for a great night on October 31 from 6:00-7:45 at the outdoor fire pit area at church. Plan on a night of fellowship together with other families while having a hay ride, roasting hotdogs and s’mores over a fire and playing games. If you have any children in...

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Coffee Break: Study on I Corinthians

Heritage CRC Coffee Break Bible study   2021-2022 This schedule is subject to change, depending on school closings and other restrictions Additional Bible study curriculum to finish out the season will be announced at a later date (likely through March 2022)   DATE            LESSON     ___________________________________________ Oct. 5                                Kick-off /...

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Fusion: Leaf Raking/Craig’s Cruisers Night

FUSION LEAF RAKING/CRAIG’S CRUISERS NIGHT On Saturday, November 6 from 2:00 – 8:00 PM we will be helping out people from the church and the community rake their leaves. After Raking, we will head over to Craig’s Cruisers for the buffet, go carts, mini golf and games. Please email Pastor...

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En Fuego: Leaf Raking/Craig’s Cruisers Night

LEAF RAKING/CRAIG’S CRUISERS NIGHT On Saturday, November 6 from 2:00 – 8:00 PM we will be helping out people from the church and the community rake their leaves. After Raking, we will head over to Craig’s Cruisers for the Buffet, Go Carts, Mini Golf and games.    Cost is $10 for...

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Fusion: Dodgeball and Summit Worship Night

FUSION SUNDAY NIGHTS  -Dodgeball and Summit Worship Night!!! Join us in the Ark to start off the night with some great games in the Ark and then we will head out to the East Building for our Summit Worship night.    This is a time of student led singing and digging...

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Church Membership Class – Discover Heritage

Church Membership Class – Discover Heritage – If you would like to learn more about Heritage CRC or discover the next steps of church membership, make plans to join us on Sunday, October 3 in the Prayer Room from 10:45-11:30. Contact Pastor Bob Huisman with any questions at 616.682.7685.

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Adult Kayaking Trip on the Flat River

ADULT KAYAKING TRIP ON THE FLAT RIVER On Saturday, September 18 we will be going on a 2 hour Kayak ride on a fun and relaxing stretch of the Flat River in Lowell.  This will be a fun afternoon for any adults who are interested to spend time outdoors together...

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