Worship in the Barn
Join us for a time of worship and celebration at The Christmas Barn Service. On the evening of December 6, the service will be across the street from church in Jim and Ruth Sytsma’s barn. Bring a chair and dress warm! After the service, we will return to the Church...
Sunday School Christmas Program
Please join us for the Sunday School Christmas Program at 5:00 pm in the sanctuary.
Candlelight Service
Simeon’s Story. Join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 11:00 pm.
Thanksgiving Service
Please join us for Heritage’s Thanksgiving Service at 9:30 am on Thanksgiving Day. This service will include a time of testimony and Ebenezer Stones.
L.I.F.T. Spotlight
Join us Monday, November 16, in the evening after the fellowship supper for our second Spotlight session – A conversation about Women in Office. 7 PM in the ARK.
Evening Service: Everything Is Possible With God – Part 3
Pastor Jim is leading a discussion series on “Everything Is Possible With God”, a Rick Warren Series. This evening service is in the ARK.