L.I.F.T. Spotlight

Lift Spotlight for March 21 will be a return to our conversation on homosexuality. All welcome! We will meet at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Room.

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L.I.F.T. Spotlight

Join us Monday, February 22, at 7 pm for a LIFT Spotlight Class. This month we will be talking about the issue of Race & Faith. Our Guest Speaker is Rev. Angela Taylor Perry. All Welcome!

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L.I.F.T. Spotlight

Join us Monday, January 18, at 7 pm for a LIFT Spotlight Class. This month we will be talking about the issue of Immigration. Kate Kooyman from Office of Social Justice will be leading us. All Welcome!

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Evening Service: Jesus’ Kind of Kindness

Pastor Bob Bolt SERMON OUTLINE: “JESUS’ KIND OF KINDNESS” Luke 10:25-37 What is kindness? 1. Kindness is not selective 2. Kindness is love in action How do I practice kindness? 1. See the need of people “But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he...

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