Event details
- Sunday | November 1, 2020
- 11:00 am - 11:59 am
As we meet indoors for morning worship services, we ask that you observe the following things:
- Please register for a service at 9 am or 11 am in the ARK or Sanctuary by clicking on: SIGN-UP
- Please practice social distancing.
- Masks in Motion. Masks are required while moving throughout the building. When seated with social distancing, masks are optional.
- If you are worshiping in the sanctuary, an usher will seat you. After the service, ushers will dismiss the congregation by rows.
- Please be aware that not everyone present will be at the same comfort level with personal contact. We ask that you refrain from handshaking and hugs.
- Hand sanitizer, gloves, and masks are available if needed.
Thank you for your help in making our services as enjoyable and safe as possible!
For More Information, Please read the following letter from Council:
On September 8, 2020, the Heritage CRC Council adopted the following policies for opening up buildings for worship and church programs in the fall of 2020 based on state guidelines and recommendations. More worship details about how to sign up for Sunday morning in-person services will be sent out sometime next week in a separate communication. Our pre-recorded Sunday morning worship service and Sunday Night Connect will remain available online each week.
- Face Masks: Face masks are required to enter and move about the building at all times for persons 1st grade and above.
- Once you are seated for a worship service or a church meeting, masks are optional with social distancing.
- Masks and gloves will be available at all entrances.
- Worship
- Indoor morning worship will resume Sunday, October 4.
- Two morning services are scheduled for 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM with Sunday School/Catechism taking place from 10:15-10:45.
- Social distancing to allow singing without masks.
- Ushers will seat and release worshippers.
- Masks to be worn when entering and exiting and moving about the building.
- Transportation: Face masks are required in all church transportation at all times.
- Group Meetings
- No more than 12 people in a classroom at a time.
- No more than 50 people in the ARK or Fellowship Room at a time.
- Food and Drink: Prepackaged individual-sized snacks and beverages are acceptable. No large meals or shared food. Drinking fountains will not be available.
- Child Care: Nursery, Children’s Worship, and Just Betweens will be reintroduced after September 13. This is subject to Cleaning Procedures and having volunteers available to staff.
- Discipleship/Education: Sunday School and Catechism to start on October 4, based on students being in school. We will follow Byron Center Christian School and South Christian High School’s protocols with regard to in-person student opportunities.
- Cleaning
- Standing sanitizing stations are available throughout the building.
- Sanctuary, ARK, Fellowship Room, and Restrooms will be sanitized by staff after each event.
- Each teacher and group will be responsible to clean and disinfect their classroom/area after each use.
- Wipes and disinfectants will be available to wipe down all tables, chairs and door handles after each use.
- There will be a document in each room to record cleaning and must be signed and dated by the teacher or group, so we know it has been done.
May God go before us to lead us and behind us to protect us,
May God go beneath us to support us and beside us to befriend us.
Do not be afraid.
May the blessing of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and Holy Spirit
be upon us. Amen.