Morning Service (In-person): Distracted Living

Event details

  • Sunday | May 2, 2021
  • 11:00 am - 11:59 am

Sunday Morning Worship: Both In-Person & Live-Streamed.

BOTH/AND – This Sunday morning we will gather for Sunday morning worship BOTH Indoors (9:30 am and 11:00 am) at Heritage AND Live-Streamed.

The 9:30 Service will be Live-Streamed.
The Live-Stream is available on the website, youtube, vimeo, and facebook.


As we worship in-person, our elders and deacons ask that you observe the following things:

  • Registration is no longer required for in-person services
  • Please practice social distancing.
  • Masks in Motion.  Masks are required while moving throughout the building.  When seated with social distancing, you can choose to keep your mask in place or remove it.
  • If you are worshiping in the sanctuary, an usher will seat you.  After the service, allow extra time and space in order to exit while maintaining social distancing.
  • Please be aware that not everyone present will be at the same comfort level with personal contact.  We ask that you refrain from handshaking and hugs.
  • Hand sanitizer, gloves, and masks are available throughout the building.